Blue Mauritius, book cover

Welcome to the Blue Mauritius Research Companion

This website contains biographical and bibliographical information about the Post Office Mauritius stamps and subjects related to them. It is based on my research for the book Blue Mauritius: The Hunt for the World's Most Valuable Stamps.

Dale, Louise Boyd (c. 1913 - 1967)

c. 1913
15 December 1967
Post Office owner and Stamp collector

The daughter of Alfred Lichtenstein, philately was bred in Louise Boyd Dale’s veins. By the time she was fourteen she had delivered a lecture on the Bordeaux stamp issues of France to the prestigious Collectors Club of New York. She went on to become an internationally renowned philatelist in her own right, and like her father before her, was invited to sign the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists. She inherited her father’s collection on his death in 1947. She added no ‘Post Office’ stamps to the collection, which had no need of them, but did retain the Mauritius portion and improved it.





Journal Notes

Prepared by: Helen Morgan