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Post Office Mauritius (17), one penny, used (XVII) (1847)
- From
- 1847
- To
- 1847
- Functions
- Cover and Stamp
- Alternative Names
- Duvivier envelope
- Location
- Royal Collection, London
- Summary
1d. Used. The stamp is cancelled with a large double-lined circular postmark reading MAURITIUS POST OFFICE, dated 21 September 1847. In addition, the cover bears a PENNY POST mark in a rectangle.
- 1847
- Used on an envelope, which probably contained an entry card to Lady Gomm’s ball, addressed to Ed. Duvivier Esq.
- 1898
- Madame Duvivier found the envelope when destroying old papers preparatory to moving house. It was bought by the British dealer W. H. Peckitt for £600 in March, then advertised later in the year for sale by Ostara & Darlow, but was withdrawn before the sale. The envelope was then bought from Peckitt by the Earl of Kintore for £850.
- 1904
- Passed into the Royal Collection.
Prepared by: Helen Morgan
Related Subjects
Original Recipient
Related Cultural Artefacts
Related Places
- Courtney, Nicholas, The Queen's Stamps: the Authorised History of the Royal Philatelic Collection, Methuen, London, 2004. [ Details... ]
- Williams, L. N., Encyclopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamps, vol. 1 of 2, David Feldman, Geneva, 1993. [ Details... ]
- Williams, L. N., Encyclopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamps, vol. 2 of 2, David Feldman, Geneva, 1997. [ Details... ]
Journal Articles
- 'The Exhibition of the South African Colonies', London Philatelist, vol. 11, no. 132, December 1902, pp. 280-81. [ Details... ]
- 'Mauritius Post Office', Deutsche Briefmarken Zeitung, vol. 15, no. 2, 29 February 1904, pp. 21-25. [ Details... ]
- 'The International Philatelic Exhibition, London, 1906', Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal, vol. 16, no. 191, 1906, pp. 228-33. [ Details... ]
- 'Editorial - The Exhibition', Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal, vol. 16, no. 191, 31 May 1906, pp. 217-18. [ Details... ]
- Moens, Jean-Baptiste, 'Encore les Post-Office de Maurice', Le Timbre-Poste, no. 441, September 1899, pp. 141-42. [ Details... ]
- Moens, Jean-Baptiste, 'Encore les Post-Office de Maurice', Le Timbre-Poste, no. 438, June 1899, pp. 87-93. [ Details... ]
- Pope, T. A., 'A Chat on Mauritius and its Stamps', British Guiana Philatelic Journal, vol. 1, December 1906, pp. 5-6. [ Details... ]
Journal Notes
- 'Mr. Peckitt's Thousand-pounder', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, 23 July 1898, p. 195. [ Details... ]
- 'Over £1,000 for One Stamp: Mr. Peckitt pays big money for the penny "Post Office" Mauritius', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, 9 July 1898, p. 191. [ Details... ]
- 'Another "Post Office" Mauritius', London Philatelist, vol. 7, no. 78, June 1898, pp. 168-69. [ Details... ]
- Title
- Invitation and Ball of Lady Gomm (1847), 1.25 rupee stamp
- Type
- Photograph
- Date
- 1978
- Details
Created: 14 March 2006, Last modified: 21 August 2006