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Stamp Collecting
- Functions
- Hobby
- The Stamp Collectors' Annual, C. Nissen & Co., London, 1904. [ Details... ]
- Bäckström Pia, Larsson, Marianne, and Sylwan, Björn, Remarkable! On Stamps, Postcards and Collecting, Postal Museum Publication No. 46, Postal Museum, Sweden, 2000. [ Details... ]
- Bierman, Stanley M., The World's Greatest Stamp Collectors, Frederick Fell Publishers, New York, c.1980. [ Details... ]
- Booty, Frederick, The Stamp Collectors Guide: Being a List of English and Foreign Postage Stamps with 200 Fac-simile Drawings, H. & C. Treacher, Brighton, 1862. [ Details... ]
- Creeke, A. B. Jun., Stamp Collecting: A Guide for Beginners, Thomas Nelson and Sons, London, c.1913–14. [ Details... ]
- Earée, Rev. R. B., Album Weeds; or, How to Detect Forged Stamps, Stanley Gibbons Ltd, London, c.1906. [ Details... ]
- Hardy, W. J. and Bacon, E. D., The Stamp Collector, George Redway, London, 1898. [ Details... ]
- Johnson, Stanley C., The Stamp Collector: A Guide to the World's Postage Stamps, Herbert Jenkins, London, 1920. [ Details... ]
- Lallier, Justin, Postage-Stamp Album Illustrated with Maps, A. Lenègre, Paris, 1862. [ Details... ]
- Mahé, Pierre, Les Marchands de Timbres-Poste d'Autrefois et Leurs Catalogues, Yvert et Tellier, Amiens, 1908. [ Details... ]
- Melville, Fred, Chats on Postage Stamps, T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1911. [ Details... ]
- Melville, Fred, New A.B.C. of Stamp Collecting, Melville Book Company, London, 1922. [ Details... ]
- Melville, Fred, The Complete Philatelist, The Philatelic Institute, London, 1924. [ Details... ]
- Robie, Lewis, Stamp Hunting, Donohue, Henneberry & Co., Chicago, 1898. [ Details... ]
- Rothschild, Henri de, Les Timbres-Poste et Leurs Amis, Théodore Champion, Paris, 1938. [ Details... ]
- Smyth, J. H., Philately in a Nutshell, J. H. Smyth, Sydney, 1911. [ Details... ]
- Todd, T., Stamps of the Empire, Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd, London, 1938. [ Details... ]
- Williams, L. N. and M., Famous Stamps, W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh, 1946. [ Details... ]
- Williams, L. N. and M., The Postage Stamp: Its History and Recognition, Penguin, Middlesex, 1956. [ Details... ]
Book Sections
- 'Stamps', in People and Places: A Life in Five Continents, John Murray, London, 1922. [ Details... ]
- '[On French philately and stamp collecting]', The Philatelic Record, vol. 8, no. 85, February 1886, pp. 1-3. [ Details... ]
- 'The Young Collector', London Philatelist, vol. 8, no. 88, April 1899, pp. 89-90. [ Details... ]
- 'The Rage for Rarity', London Philatelist, vol. 11, no. 125, 1902, pp. 105-06. [ Details... ]
- 'Philately and History', Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal, vol. 17, no. 202, 30 April 1907, pp. 197-98. [ Details... ]
Journal Articles
- 'A Chat with Mrs Scott Stokes (Of the Philatelic Journal of Great Britain)', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 32, 14 December 1895, pp. 69-70. [ Details... ]
- 'The S.S.S.S. [Society for the Suppression of Speculative Stamps]', London Philatelist, vol. 6, no. 71, November 1897, pp. 318-19. [ Details... ]
- 'The Evolution of Philately: An Article Containing Some Sense and Much Nonsense', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 3, no. 61, 23 January 1897, p. 104. [ Details... ]
- '[Boyhood recollections of owning two Post Office Mauritius]', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 5, no. 109, 25/03/2006, p. 38. [ Details... ]
- 'The Bermuda Mystery: Postage Stamps or Surcharge?', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 5, no. 105, 1 October 1898, p. 5. [ Details... ]
- 'Notable Stamp Exhibit - Philately Recognized as a Science', The Philatelic Record, vol. 21, no. 3, March 1899, p. 65. [ Details... ]
- 'When Philately was Young: "Notes and Queries" Makes a Further Enquiry into the Early History of Our Hobby', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 8, no. 202, 1902, pp. 153--54. [ Details... ]
- 'A Pessimist on Philately', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 9, no. 227, 21 November 1903, p. 153. [ Details... ]
- 'Miss Griffin's Chain Letter', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 10, no. 254, 3 December 1904, p. 162. [ Details... ]
- 'In Defence of Philately', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 10, no. 254, 3 December 1904, p. 162. [ Details... ]
- Anderson, P. J., 'Scottish Philatelic Literature 1863-1923', Stamp Collecting, vol. 21, no. 16, 19 January 1924, p. 412. [ Details... ]
- Anderson, P. J., 'Scottish Philatelic Literature 1863-1923', Stamp Collecting, vol. 21, no. 15, 12 January 1924, p. 394. [ Details... ]
- Bishop, Percy, 'Where to Hunt for Rare Stamps', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 1, no. 1, 20 September 1913, p. 7. [ Details... ]
- Bishop, Percy C., 'The Great Colour Question: Why Philatelists Cannot Call a Spade a Spade and a Red a Red', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 6, no. 135, 12 May 1900, p. 35. [ Details... ]
- Chambers, R. S., 'Some Interesting Finds', Stamp Collecting, vol. 13, no. 10, 13 December 1919, p. 277–78. [ Details... ]
- Crippa, A., 'Stamp Collecting and Philately', Stamp Collecting, vol. 22, no. 12, 21 June 1924, p. 269. [ Details... ]
- Franklin, J., 'The Joys of the Hunt', Stamp Collecting, vol. 22, no. 3, 19 April 1924, p. 58. [ Details... ]
- Gelber, Steven M., 'Free Market Metaphor: The Historical Dynamics of Stamp Collecting', Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 34, October 1992, pp. 742-69. [ Details... ]
- Imeson, W. E., 'The Prince of Pastimes: A Hobby or a Science?', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 10, no. 249, 24 September 1901, pp. 116-17. [ Details... ]
- Melville, Fred, 'Fortunes in Old Stamps: Hint to Legal Firms. Scotland a Happy Hunting Ground', Stamp Collecting, vol. 15, no. 10, 11 December 1920, p. 284. [ Details... ]
- Morton, C. S., 'On Garnering', Supplement to Stamp Collecting, vol. 19, no. 5, 4 November 1922, p. ix. [ Details... ]
- Nathan, Walter, 'Reminiscences of a Philatelist', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 6, no. 150, 8 December 1900, p. 154. [ Details... ]
- Nathan, Walter, 'Reminiscences of a Philatelist', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 6, no. 133, 14 April 1900, p. 22. [ Details... ]
- Séfi, A. J., 'Some Wider Aspects of Philately', Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, vol. 32, no. 380, 10 August 1922, pp. 124-26. [ Details... ]
- W. W., 'The Collecting of Entires', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 5, no. 109, 26 November 1898, p. 37. [ Details... ]
Journal Notes
- 'On the Increase of the Timbromanie', The Stamp Collector's Magazine, no. 11, 1 December 1863, p. 170. [ Details... ]
- 'Dinner to the Philatelic Society, London', The Philatelic Record, vol. 6, no. 71, December 1884, p. 223. [ Details... ]
- '[On stamps and their followers]', The Philatelic Record, vol. 13, no. 150, June 1891, pp. 143-44. [ Details... ]
- 'How to Answer Critics of Philately', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 27, 5 October 1895, p. 3. [ Details... ]
- 'Pecuniary Interests in Collecting', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 28, 19 October 1895, p. 24. [ Details... ]
- 'The "Philatelic Murder" in Paris', London Philatelist, vol. 5, no. 54, June 1896, pp. 179-80. [ Details... ]
- 'What is this Passion for Stamps?', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 44, 30 May 1896, p. 216. [ Details... ]
- '"Philatelism" and Crime', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 45, 13 June 1896, p. 224. [ Details... ]
- 'In Defence of Our Hobby', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 46, 27 June 1896, p. 231. [ Details... ]
- 'Discovery of Another Philatelic Crime', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 48, 25 July 1896, p. 250. [ Details... ]
- 'The Murder of a Stamp Collector in Paris', Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, vol. 6, no. 71, 10 November 1896, p. 181. [ Details... ]
- 'Some Big "Finds" of Rare Stamps', Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, 1896. [ Details... ]
- 'The Paris Murder; Aubert on his Trial', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 3, no. 55, 14 November 1896, p. 40. [ Details... ]
- 'Women in Philately', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 48, 25 July 1896, p. 252. [ Details... ]
- 'A Parisian Philatelist Murdered', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 2, no. 44, 30 May 1896, p. 213. [ Details... ]
- 'Old Collectors: Some Emotions and a Moral', Philatelic Journal of Great Britain, vol. 6, no. 70, 10 October 1896, pp. 165-66. [ Details... ]
- '[The utter fatuity of collecting very common postage stamps for charitable objects]', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 5, no. 109, 26 November 1898, p. 38. [ Details... ]
- 'The Earliest Records of Collecting', London Philatelist, vol. 7, no. 76, April 189, pp. 111-12. [ Details... ]
- '[Two letters on the S.S.S.S.]', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 4, no. 96, 28 May 1898, p. 165. [ Details... ]
- 'Rarity and Prices', The Philatelic Record, vol. 21, no. 8, August 1899, p. 168. [ Details... ]
- 'Microscopic Philately', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 6, no. 144, 15 September 1900, p. 104. [ Details... ]
- 'Philately in the New Century', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 6, no. 153, 19 January 1901, p. 178. [ Details... ]
- 'Philately in the New Century', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 6, no. 153, 19 January 1901, p. 178. [ Details... ]
- 'The Press on Philately: Some of Philately's Big Prizes', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 9, no. 227, 21 November 1903, p. 156. [ Details... ]
- 'The Press on Philately: "The Craze of Stamp Collection"', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 9, no. 227, 21 November 1903, p. 156. [ Details... ]
- 'To Those Who Give Up Philately', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 9, no. 230, 2 January 1904, p. 182. [ Details... ]
- 'When Does a Stamp Lover Become a Stamp?', The Stamp Lover, vol. 1, no. 1, June 1908, p. 23. [ Details... ]
- Armstrong, Douglas, 'Stamp Collecting after the War', Stamp Collecting, vol. 6, no. 18, 12 August 1916, p. 667. [ Details... ]
Letter to the Editors
- Anderson, P. J., 'Stamp Collecting and "The New English Dictionary"', The Philatelic Record, vol. 8, no. 89, June 1886, pp. 92-93. [ Details... ]
- Scott, Walter, 'The Record of Continuous Collecting', London Philatelist, vol. 6, no. 71, November 1897, p. 336. [ Details... ]
Newspaper Articles
- Hubert Haes, 'The Fiftieth Anniversary of Penny Postage', The Times, 11 January 1890, p. 12. [ Details... ]
- The Editors, 'New Philatelic Publications', review of Hardy, W. J. and Bacon, E. D., The Stamp Collector (1898), Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, 5 March 1898. [ Details... ]
Online Resources
- Vandervelde, Denis, 'Postal History or Postal Archaeology? Researching the Obscure', Seventh Stuart Rossiter Memorial Lecture, 2002, [ Details... ]
See also
- Dendy Marshall, C. F., 'A Plea for Post-Card Collecting!', Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly, vol. 5, no. 105, 1 October 1898, p. 5. [ Details... ]
- Title
- Some Wider Aspects of Philately
- Type
- Photograph
- Details
- Title
- A Pessimist on Philately
- Type
- Photocopy
- Details
- Title
- Reminiscences of a Philatelist
- Type
- Photocopy
- Details
- Title
- The Collecting of Entires
- Type
- Photocopy
- Details
- Title
- Pecuniary Interests in Collecting
- Type
- Photocopy
- Details
- Title
- Stamp Collecting and "The New English Dictionary"
- Type
- Photocopy
- Details
Prepared by: Helen Morgan
Created: 22 March 2006, Last modified: 4 June 2006